
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Hoosic Valley Community Church has consistently sought to support missionaries doing work locally and abroad. We see the financial and prayer support as the least we can to do to be a part of fulfilling the great commission. We desire to be a part of the growing kingdom of God and seek to bless those who leave everything in order to follow God onto the mission field, wherever the Spirit leads.

Join the mission

Interested in Serving the Kingdom on a mission trip?

We are currently asking for any input from people who may be interested in going on a mission trip. Hoosic Valley Community Church desires to support our missionaries with money and service. We want to look for every opportunity that we can team up and serve alongside the missionaries we already support. This enables us to tie together the financial support with being the hands and feet of Christ in a real way.

Supporting Several Active Missionaries





Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.