HVCC Community Kids
Sunday Bible classes and programs are available for children of all ages.
8:30 am & 10 am: Nursery & toddlers upstairs
8:30 am - K-3rd grades downstairs
10 am - classes for K-12 grades downstairs
Starting 10 am September 17, our Community Kids, K-8th grades, will be introduced to a new fall curriculum 'Like Joseph-Like Jesus.' Just as Joseph was like Jesus, we also will learn how we can be like Jesus.
Joseph learned how to speak truth in the face of trials and he found peace under attacks and temptations. In everything he endured, he said that God meant it all for the good. Joseph understood God's leading and providence. We invite your children to join us downstairs at 10 am.
Sunday Bible classes and programs are available for children of all ages.
8:30 am & 10 am: Nursery & toddlers upstairs
8:30 am - K-3rd grades downstairs
10 am - classes for K-12 grades downstairs
Starting 10 am September 17, our Community Kids, K-8th grades, will be introduced to a new fall curriculum 'Like Joseph-Like Jesus.' Just as Joseph was like Jesus, we also will learn how we can be like Jesus.
Joseph learned how to speak truth in the face of trials and he found peace under attacks and temptations. In everything he endured, he said that God meant it all for the good. Joseph understood God's leading and providence. We invite your children to join us downstairs at 10 am.